Dr. Shannon Hegarty graduated from The Catholic University of America with a bachelor’s degree in Psychology. During her journey, she discovered the wonders of chiropractic care and other forms of alternative medicine. This led her to change her career goal from being a pediatrician to becoming a chiropractic physician.
She began chiropractic school 2008. Working with children and pregnant women at Transitions Outreach Clinic and the Downtown Clinic in Portland, Oregon helped her learn about the unique needs of the prenatal and postpartum chiropractic patient. Thanks to these experiences she began taking craniosacral therapy seminars as well as seminars focusing on athletes and their specific needs. She graduated from The University of Western States in 2012.
In 2013, she married her college sweetheart and moved with him to the East Coast. She is now happy to live in Massachusetts with her husband, daughter and their dog Madison.